วันศุกร์, ตุลาคม 14, 2554

Barack Obama Gets a New Jersey Salute

..and I'm not talking about a fist-pump.  I'm talking about the kind you oft get on the New Jersey Turnpike

President Obama’s job-approval rating has dropped to 43 percent in New Jersey -- the lowest of his tenure, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released yesterday....

From the poll:

New Jersey voters disapprove 52 - 43 percent of the job President Barack Obama is doing, his lowest score ever in the Garden State. Disapproval is 88 - 10 percent among Republicans and 60 - 34 percent among independent voters. Democrats approve 77 - 19 percent. There is a large gender gap as women approve 50 - 45 percent while men disapprove 60 - 36 percent.

Voters split 47 - 48 percent on whether President Obama deserves reelection.

Meanwhile, another politician in New Jersey is seeing his numbers trending opposite those of Obama's:

Governor Chris Christie is enjoying his highest approval ratings to date in New Jersey, according to a Monmouth University/NJ Press Media Poll released this morning.

55% of registered voters approve of the Governor compared to 37% who disapprove.
Among women there was a 15 point swing in favor of the governor. 53% of women approve while 40% disapprove. In an August Monmouth poll, 45% of women approved of Christie and 48% disapproved.

Among Independents, 58% approve of Christie and 34% disapprove.

This is interesting:

Despite his increased popularity, New Jersey is not optimistic that Christie will be able to forward his agenda through the Democratic legislature. 54% of New Jerseyans say that the Democratic leaders in the legislature are not working well with Christie compared to 32% who say they have been working well together. Among Independents, 59% say the Democrats and Christie are not working so well together.

Today’s Monmouth poll is consistent with the FDU poll released on September 27. In the FDU poll, while 54% of New Jersey voters approved of Christie, 47% said that the state is on the wrong track.

Seems like I'm hearing that the Democrats better get behind Christie...or else.

Taken to a national level, when the Democrats in Washington complain about gridlock in the hope that voters will blame the Republicans for blocking their agenda, well....maybe the electorate will go to one-party rule in November. Just not the one party that that the Democrats - and the media - are assuming they will.

Hey Christie - sure you don't want to reconsider?
