วันพฤหัสบดี, ตุลาคม 27, 2554

Obama Polls Underwater in New Jersey, For Second Month Running...

Once is an outlier, twice is a trend...

President Barack Obama has a net negative approval rating (44%-47%) for two straight months, the first time in his presidency, according to this morning's Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind™ poll.

Men disapprove of the President 51% to 41% and women disapprove 48% to 42%.

Wow. Even the chicks ain't buying the hopey-changy-feely government money for your diapers routine anymore. I suppose that's because while men like Obama think they've got game, it's women who know the score....

And this data, from the same poll, should send chills down a Democrat's rubbery spine:

Twenty-two percent say the country is headed in the right direction, while two-thirds (67%) say the country is “on the wrong track.” This is a stark contrast to voters’ views of the direction of the state expressed in the same survey: 46% saying the state is headed in the right direction and 43% saying the state is on the wrong track.

Nearly 9 of 10 New Jersey Republicans (88%) say the country is headed in the wrong direction, but independents agree (78%-16%) and so do Democrats (49%-36%). “When New Jersey voters’ see the direction of their state as better than the direction of the country, it’s a sure sign something is deeply wrong,” said Peter Woolley, a political scientist and director of the poll.

Could it be that even a New Jersey Democrat can see the damage done by the liberal agenda? And Sweet Zombie Jesus! - look at those independents, tracking with Republicans by almost a 90% margin. Speaking of needing government-funded diapers, somebody ought to get a box to the president - stat...

Of course, the most obvious thing that jumps out - besides Obama running upside-down in a state thought to be true-blue - is that New Jersey residents prefer the stewardship of Chris Christie to Barack Obama. What will happen if the eventual Republican nominee can convince Americans that he is, if not the Fat Man himself, at least Christie-esque in policy?

I'll tell you. We'll have to redefine the word "landslide"...
