วันอาทิตย์, ตุลาคม 30, 2554

Occupy Wall Street: Follow The Money To The Anti-Semitism

It's easy, fun, and disgusting! The Alliance for Global Justice lists "Occupy Wall Street" as a "fiscally sponsored project". According to the New York Post, by lending its tax-exempt status -- for a 7 percent cut! -- the global-justice group allows donors to deduct their contributions from federal taxes and gives its own board control over the money.

Interesting. So which other groups are fiscally sponsored by "the Alliance"? Surprise, surprise:

Anarchists Against the Wall (AATW) - that's the wall that prevents Jews from being slaughtered by Palestinian terrorists. Of course the Alliance wants it torn down!

Civil Peace Service Gaza & One Democratic State Group - both pro-Hamas, pro-Gaza organizations. You can only imagine what The Alliance wants that "One State" to look like - it certainly won't be democratic, and it certainly will be Judenrein...

End US Wars - an anti-American, hard left group which focuses on 9/11 "truth" - because if Osama didn't launch those attacks, well, you can imagine who did...

As per the Post once more:  ...the group suggests it has a relationship with Iran, supported the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua and expresses solidarity with Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez against the United States

For the 7 percent fee, it offers its tax-exempt status to “grassroots nonprofits” and provides payroll services, liability insurance and prepares federal tax forms. It also offers “activist training”...
And what do they train them in? Or better, what did Occupy Wall Street buy with its tax exempt statues?

Antisemitism. And for the Left, I suppose, that's just added value:

And maybe it's just me..but these bright "leader hashtags", strategically located where an armband would be, reminds me of a different organization's logo:
