วันอังคาร, ตุลาคม 11, 2554

The New York Times Goes In-Depth At The Scene Of "The Occupation"

...and asks the Occupy Wall Street protesters deep, probing questions:

Brian Allen, 19
Occupation: Student at the New School, majoring in environmental studies
What are you wearing? "Almost all of my clothing is borrowed
Why are you protesting? “I’m here just to see what everybody else is doing. I don’t know if I agree with all of this. All these kids are trying to protest against corporations while they’re wearing Hollister and J. Crew and smoking cigarettes, which are the hugest corporations in America.”
(trust me - this guy is the smartest in the bunch)

Dan DiMaggio, 29
Occupation: Ph.D. student in sociology at New York University
(really - do I need to say any more?)

Liza Tichenor, 30 (left)
Occupation: Master of Arts student at N.Y.U.
Why are you protesting? “Everybody has their own reasons, which is exciting. I don’t want to be someone who sits at home.”
(You're 30 years old and still in school, Liza.  Get used to sitting at home, it's about to be your life story...)

Marissa Mickelberg, 30
Occupation: student at N.Y.U., majoring in performance theory
What are you wearing? “I’ve got Aldo boots on and these are jeans my mom gave me for Christmas. My top is American Apparel. The vest is Forever 21. My glasses are from the street. My hammer earrings I got online at Etsy.”
Why are you protesting? “I like the use of public space as a performative realm and I like the combination of bodies in space. I think it makes a statement.”
(Protest as well-dressed performance art, and the opportunity to self-promote and maybe get in front of a camera.  Mission accomplished.  Well, everyone has their own reasons to occupy Wall Street, I suppose...)

Now this guy at least works with his hands, so I'll give him a pass for wearing tights:
Nathan Torrence, 23
Occupation: Instrument maker
What are you wearing? “We’re a band called Environmental Encroachment.   The leggings, I like to provide some hallucinogenic visual stimulation for people. Pretty much everything I’m wearing is supposed to be awe-inspiring and hallucinogenic. And it also feels really good to wear tights. ”
Why are you protesting? “I don’t really know how to explain it. I think some things should be different than how they are.”

So Occupy Wall Street is made up of vapid, perpetual college students, aggrieved that the world hasn't paid them just rewards for a lifetime spent studying...sociology.  You know, I am just not that sure if this is a movement that has legs, no matter what Mr. Torrence might be wearing....

Oh - and did I mention "immature"?  This smoking-hot protest babe was caught spouting off in Chicago:

Rachel, 20, unemployed cosmetologist:
I came here to hold the government accountable for their actions. It’s time someone holds them accountable. And they’re going to listen to me. They’re going to answer to me.

Ah, outsized delusions of power and  granduer.  The hallmark of the teenager, and the Democrat....
