วันพุธ, มกราคม 13, 2553

Michelle's Got Her Jimmy Choo's Going On!

Talk about being insulated. While her husband bargains away my health insurance behind closed doors, Michelle Obama's going to town with Jimmy Choo:

Mrs. Obama held a roundtable at the White House with print reporters this morning...

Yeah, yeah, her and the hubby are the sh*t, yadda yadda yadda...and then we get to the good stuff:

FLOTUS Fashion Watch: There was no photo/video coverage of the event. According to reporters in the room, Mrs. Obama wore a red dress and above the knee Jimmy Choo boots, which she said was a way to avoid having to wear stockings.

So what does a pair of above-the-knee Jimmy Choo's run these days?
Looks like $1000 + is the low range, and that's on Amazon...

OK - so lets see....first, we have the $540 sneakers ("
Let them eat Keds! Bwahahaha!") that Michelle wore tastefully to a charity event...

The we have her customized Robert Clergerie thigh-high boots (Oh, so that's how Baracky likes it!), also coming it at well over a grand.
And while she was at it, she ordered a pair of calf-length boots in beige buckskin...also customized to fit her precious totties....

And of course, there are her throwaway shoes she bought for her Hawaiian vacation, a little
$635 per pair number by designer Maison Martin Margiela. Just like you and I do every time we go down for a few days at the Jersey Shore!

We thought we were getting Hope and Change, instead, we got our very own
Imelda Marcos and Hugo Chavez!

...were the Marcos shoes... merely grotesque? The Russian word poshlost suggests the transcendent vulgarity at work in the Marcos spectacle. Poshlost is something preposterously overdone but without self-knowledge or irony. It is comic and sad and awful....

The King and Queen roll around sensually in their ill-gotten riches, while the peasants toil with greater and greater resentment.....
