วันอังคาร, มกราคม 12, 2553

Media Coverage of Scott Brown You Likely Haven't Seen....

Sometimes I find myself inside the right-wing noise machine - and don't get me wrong, I like it there - and I become overwhelmed by the desire to hear what the other side is pitching. It's why I still have NPR programmed in to my car stereo...

So here's a few stories you may not have seen, for better or worse...first, from the "Bostonist", we get the best headline yet:

Naked Senate Candidate Scott Brown Loves Torture

The Naked Senate Candidate (NSC) told reporters yesterday that he endorsed the use of "enhanced interrogation techniques" on terrorism suspects, including waterboarding, which he would know is considered torture by many jurisdictions, is arguably banned by the Geneva Convention, and is prohibited by the U.S. Army Field Manual, had he spent his time at Boston College Law School doing something other than posing nude for magazines....

Brown's opponent, Martha Coakley, like most people who believe that human life is worth more than an old shoe, opposes waterboarding and other forms of torture....

Not sure if referring to Brown as "The Naked Candidate" is a bad thing, guys, if he changed his name to that moniker and placed it on the ballot by next week, we'd have a guaranteed winner...

Next, the Boston Globe reverts to form and starts shilling unrepentantly for Martha Coakley by bringing in NARAL and turning up the fear factor:

A group of women supporting Democrat Martha Coakley bitterly railed this morning against her Republican rival, Scott Brown, saying that his political positions were dangerous for women and that he was using "smoke and mirrors" to obscure his true beliefs and previous record.

Do you know who Brown is? If not, the Globe will identify him for you:

A photo of Brown, until recently a relatively little-known state senator from Wrentham, has been featured for much of the day on the Drudge Report, a popular right-leaning website, with a headline, "Will this man end Dem super majority?"

Coakley, the state attorney general, who is trying to become the first female US senator from Massachusetts, has made women’s issues a strong component of her campaign.

Gee...so who's the good guy and who's the bad guy again? Thanksfully, we have the B-G to tell us...

From Canada, we get a new angle on why Massachusetts should support Brown:

Senator Scott Brown Would Be Tribute to Memory of Mary Jo Kopechne

What do all of the Boston Globe's put-upon women have to say about that? Nothing; they're trying to get guest passes into the Kennedy Compound...

And the Washington Post seems to think this qualifies as the Democrats bringing in the heavy hitters for Coakely:

And finally on fundraising, President Obama sent an email to his list insisting that "the outcome of this race couldn't be more important" and asking donors to dig deep to help Coakley...

But as usual, Obama cannot be bothered to even dig deep into his schedule to make an appearance for Coakely...which may tell us more about this race than all the polls in the world...
