วันอังคาร, มกราคม 12, 2553

No "In-State" Tuition for Illegals in New Jersey

Elections have consequences; boy do they ever...

In the past few days, two items high on New Jersey's liberal agenda have been shot down by a legislature who knows that their state has turned purple - with rage, as well as in voting parlance.

On Friday, the legalization of gay marriage, strongly supported by outgoing governor Jon Corzine and the Jersey media, was squashed by a larger-than-expected margin. Yesterday, another one of Corzine's pet social welfare projects was KO'd as well:

Lawmakers shelved plans to vote Monday on a proposal allowing immigrant children not in the country legally to pay in-state tuition rates at New Jersey public colleges.

Because Monday's meetings of the Senate and Assembly were the last before the legislative session expires Tuesday at noon, the bill dies. It didn't have the votes needed to pass, at least in the Senate, according to two lawmakers.

Gov.-elect Chris Christie who takes office in a week, has criticized the bill, suggesting that it's unlikely to be revived before 2014.

Under the bill, students who are undocumented aliens would be eligible to pay in-state tuition if they attended a New Jersey high school for at least three years, graduated or got the equivalent of a diploma and file an affidavit with their college promising to apply to legalize their immigration status as soon as they're eligible.

Notice the prejudice in the reporting here - "immigrant children not in the country legally", "undocumented aliens"...not too much of an ax to grind at the Asbury Park-Press, I reckon...

But it's good to see the state's elected officials reacting to the will of the people rather than the will of Dirty Jon Corzine. With this hackneyed plan polling miserably since it was introduced back in April; it seems as if politicians have decided not to test the wrath of the people with an election only 10-odd months away...

Bottom line: New Jersey residents voted out the key architect of the state's liberal social program, and things are turning around already, with two items high on the left's wish-list stopped dead in their tracks. Elections matter, now more than ever, and they can change our lives for the better. They already are in New Jersey, and Christie hasn't even been sworn in yet.

Can you hear me, people of Massachusetts?
