วันจันทร์, มกราคม 18, 2553

Does Coakley Suffer From an Enthusiasm Gap?

Does a bear sh*t in the woods? Is Barack Obama a liberal?

While Scott Brown has more volunteers than he can handle, and more supporters than lawn signs, Martha Coakley remains convinced that her campaign's get-out-the-vote efforts will win her an unexpectedly tight Massachusetts Senate special election.

Legal Insurrection takes a look at how that GOTV effort is working out for Martha, less than 24 hours before Election Day, in a video taken around 1030 this morning:

Hmmm...these are Democratic phones, so maybe they're on their union-mandated break period?

So maybe if we give it 15 minutes, it will look like Brown headquarters!

No? Guess the SEIU bus from out-of-state hasn't rolled in yet...
