วันเสาร์, มกราคม 09, 2553

Lunatic DC Liberals Are Counting Your Condoms!

From Anorak, a virtual cornucopia of bizarre news, comes this:

IN Washington DC, anyone carrying more than one condom on their person in any area police have declared a “prostitution free zone” is considered to be a prostitute.

That’s right, kids, if you’re packing a spare in case one breaks, you are a hooker. Best idea might be to wear a condom at all times.

So here comes the police to tell you to only carry one condom, which are - get this - routinely sold in packs of three or more.

File under: police state

So if you're a lucky guy who just slinked into the local CVS to buy a 3-pack of condoms for a 24 hour love marathon with your special gal, better check with the local police and make sure you're not walking or driving through what they have decreed as a "prosty-free zone", or else you'll likely go to the hoosegow for solicitation. Good luck trying to explain that to your soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend, as she's whacking you over the head with a frying pan...

Or maybe this is all a trickle down effect of Barack Obama's "share the wealth" decree. Look, there are lots of guys out there that can't get any lovin' at all, why should you be entitled to three girls, or even the same girl three times? Hand 'em over, pal - the condoms and the girl - and we'll let you go when we're done equalizing our society...

Fascism, totalitarianism,"Progressivism"...who can tell the difference any more?

UPDATE: Even the far-left is a little bit freaked. And of course, criminalizing sexual protection makes a lot of sense in the AIDS capital of America...

3 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Oh my GAWD! Talk about STUPIDITY! And, we all know that the only thing it will do is cause more cover-ups of the politicians behaving badly in public bathrooms.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Daisy, did you just start up this blog? http://saoirse-go-deo.blogspot.com/

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Yes sir. After having a personal blog for a while where I ranted about all this same *stuff* for years.