วันอังคาร, มกราคม 19, 2553

Massachusetts Turnout Report: Light in The Cities, Heavy in the Suburbs

...just like we saw in New Jersey's off-year election that delivered us from Crooked Jon Corzine and gave us Republican Chris Christie (coincidentally being sworn in today). Two early turnout tales from Massachusetts:

.... I live in Winchester, just north of the city. Long line this morning at 7:00 AM when the polls opened— approximately 40 people were waiting to vote. With the exception of the 2008 presidential election, where there were 100 or so people in line, I haven't seen early morning turnout approach this. High turnout isn't necessarily uniform across the state. One of my co-workers (who prides himself on being one of the few conservative voices in Jamaica Plain) said that turnout was exceptionally low— much lower than the presidential election. Given Jamaica Plain's strong blue tilt, it will be interesting to see how turnout evolves over the course of today.

.......I live in arguably the most liberal neighborhood in downtown Boston (I'll never forget the look on the Obama canvasser's face when he came by my apartment last year and I told him I was voting for McCain). When I got to the polls this morning, my wife and I were the only two people there other than the poll workers. In November, the line was out the door and halfway down the block.
