-The Asbury Park Press
After a multiday convoy through New Jersey, a hearse pulled up in front of the Statehouse in Trenton with a casketful of empty wallets - donated by citizens all statewide- chosen to symbolize the death and destruction of New Jersey's middle class. And boy, lots of mourners showed up in this blue state:

The bereaved gathered early....
With the Gadsden flag flying high...
Nice crowd for a weekday funeral....
The desceased arrives, as the crowd draws closer for a final glimpse of the late great New Jersey middle class...
The ladies wore black, tastefully and appropriately, as only Jersey girls can.
'twas many a man who lost compusure on this bright afternoon, overcome with loss and grief
" I come to bury Jon Corzine, not to praise him!"
The wallets are depoisted - none to gently - on the steps of the Taxhou - sorry, I mean the Statehouse
So maybe New Jersey has a pulse after all?
More here, including video. Kudos to 101.5FM for sponsoring this event and doing what media is meant to do - hold government responsible to the people.
The Asbury Park-Press points out how Corzine's personal storm troopers - The NJ State Police - were seemingly deflating the numbers to cover for their boss:
State Police estimated the crowd at around 150, though it appeared to be larger than that. In addition to the group gathered on the sidewalk well in front of the Statehouse, more than 125 others watched from across West State Street.
DJ Casey Bartholomew:
"While we would like to think that this is a painless, innocent death of the middle class in New Jersey, more and more it becomes obvious that this wasn't an untimely passing as much as it was a cold-blooded murder," Bartholomew said.
The AP/Star Ledger uses this not-too-biased headline:
N.J. radio station plans empty-wallet stunt aimed at Corzine's budget
The commentors, ah, diagree with the wording a bit...
And the Daily Journal, so used to covering only one type of rally, completely misses the point here:
Their faces may be veiled, but their contempt for budget cuts isn't.
Ah - maybe if there had actually been some cuts, insteady of strictly spending and tax hikes, there'd be less contempt? Sorry, this isn't a union rally, girls - can't cover this event with cut-and-paste protest copy.
WOW!!!! I wish I had heardabout this!!! Would have shot up the parkway for the hr ride!!! That's awesome!! Love the wallet idea!
Should be some good protests all across Jersey on 4/15. There's a list here:
I love the wallets in the casket. Great Idea and fantastic post. Thanks for sharing the event and the coverage with us!
Keep up the Great work!
Thanks B-G !!
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