วันอาทิตย์, มีนาคม 25, 2550

DEBKA reports...

...that the recent siezure of 15 British sailors is only the first of many upcoming Iranian reprisal actions:

Our military sources report that Middle East and Persian Gulf nations as well as the US and UK are bracing for further Iranian marine, air or terrorist operations in Iraq and other places in reprisal for the sanctions measure before the UN Security Council in New York. On the ready too are the Saudi armed forces and some Israeli air and naval units.

According to Iranian sources the 15 British Royal navy seamen and marines which an Iranian warship seized with their commando craft Friday, March 23, will be put on trial.

DEBKAfile’s military sources say the incident was but a pretext. According to incoming intelligence, Tehran plans to release a series of reprisals after sanctions are approved...

President Mahmoud Admadinejad’s last-minute cancellation of his appearance before the Security Council is further indication that Tehran gave up on diplomatic maneuvers for pre-empting the sanctions resolution and, assuming their approval was not preventable, turned instead to ramping up military tensions.

....Thursday, DEBKAfile reported exclusively a rendezvous Wednesday between the French nuclear carrier Charles de Gaulle and its task force with the USS John C. Stennis in the Arabian Sea Wednesday for joint missions....Its arrival raises to four the number of Western aircraft carriers cruising within striking distance of Iran...

The Charles de Gaulle is accompanied by French Task Force 473, which consists of five warships....

Oh boy, here we go...does Admadinejad believe it is 1979 all over again?
And could he actually be right?

And I am surprised, truthfully, that more folks have not referenced this little
summertime war as fairly analogous to the actions we are seeing from Iran today....
