วันพฤหัสบดี, มีนาคม 15, 2550

Sayeth the Monster

Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the mastermind behind the Sept. 11 attacks, speaks proudly of some of his other work:

Among Mohammed's claims: That he personally decapitated Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, who was kidnapped and killed in Pakistan in 2002. Citing records released by the Pentagon on Thursday, wire services quoted Mohammed as telling investigators that he "decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of the American Jew Daniel Pearl," but that the incident was not part of an al-Qaeda operation.

And although the AP cannot wait to run headlines like "
Mohammed exaggerated claims"; even they will admit:

Officials don't doubt his claim that he beheaded Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl with what he called his "blessed right hand."

"The American Jew", indeed...

It's a phrase right out of the 1940's darkest days; brought back from the dank sewer into newfound respectability by those whom hide behind their religion (as opposed to their race) for justification of their hatreds, and by those whom find common cause (Bush-hating liberals, for instance) with the new fascism.

Anyone - anyone - who feels that these people can be reasoned with, can be negotiated with, are no better than the Chamberlains and Nazi sympathizers of the late '30's. Mohammed has made his stand, and enunciated his position clearly; any whom claim they cannot hear it, or ascribe different motivations to his words and deeds, is only collaborating with him. No other explanation is plausible.

Example #1 of "ascribing different motivations":

Bruce Hoffman, a professor of security studies at Georgetown University, said Mohammed sees himself as a "reluctant warrior and justified"

Is not Mr. Hoffman, by humanizing this animal, helping him? This is no "reluctant warrior", this is a man who called his brutal execution of an innocent man "blessed".

Bruce, when they come for you, I hope they hang a sign around your neck stating your true role - "collaborator"...
