วันพฤหัสบดี, มีนาคม 08, 2550

Trey Parker Represents !

South Park is in the house:

The "most punk-rock thing you can do in L.A.," says the Comedy Channel star, is to "say 'George Bush is f- awesome' instead of talking about how lame it is that he's fighting for oil."

Brave man....

And while we're on the subject, note the Washington Post's gleeful response to the "death" of Marvel's Captain America:

...the death of the only comic-book superhero who still wore the Stars and Stripes seems to be worthy of pause in the blur of pop culture.

...In comics, things got edgier, meaner, grimmer. Violence became more realistic, with more consequences. Superman died, Batman broke his back, Spider-Man took off his mask. The good guys were flawed.
....The battle for American ideals had changed, and so, we learned yesterday, had the means of menace and treachery.
Dear Steve Rogers and the mythical mid-century America -- its front porches, decency and good manners -- are dead.

I'm not gonna get worked up over a fictional death, but I would like to debate WaPost staffer Neely Tucker's assertion that "decency" and "good manners" are dead (and apparently never existed). I see plenty of both on a daily basis here in the alleged mean streets of Manhattan; but I suppose these are non-values to the left - radical activism tinged with politically correct violence, I reckon, trumps decency and good manners every day.

But I'll give Mr. Tucker a break as well - I don't see his byline much; and I suppose he has to suck up and toe the political line his corporation has set down....that's good toadying, son!
