วันเสาร์, มีนาคม 03, 2550

Anyone around here speak French?

This blog seems pretty intense - ANTISEMITISME - with what appears to be some passionate writing and some good examples of those loving Arabic editorial cartoons. Alas, save for a few insults, I know very little French, but for those that can plow their way through it, I would recommend a walk over....

And I guess since we are doing some Saturday morning anti-Semitism, let's go to Augean Stables, where there is a reference to the Alvin Rosenfeld essay on "The New Anti-Semitism" (the same one that got WaPost columnist Richard Cohen so upset that he felt the need to retaliate by...calling all Republicans homophobes?). Some insight into what Rosenfeld calls "rhetorical violence":

Among others on the left, though, an often strident anti-Zionism is part of the ideological package that gives them their political identity. Their inclination to liken Israel to Nazi Germany and white-ruled South Africa–and their frequent excoriations of the Jewish state as guilty of “racism,” “apartheid,” “ethnic cleansing,” “war crimes,” and “genocide” draw from a common lexicon of hyperbolically corrosive speech and have helped to fashion an intellectual and political climate that encourages the demonization of Israel and its supporters.

Seems like he's describing Jimmy Carter, although it can apply to many in the Democratic party, as well as to their heroes in Europe. The language above is often used but rarely condemned; politicians know what purpose it serves, and they support that purpose. Perhaps overtly they don't wish for the destructions of Israel or worldwide Jewry, but they do know that these words galvanize their supporters, and they will offer no rebuke, only weak excuses. Again, just ask Carter, or the Democratic Congressional delegation from Michigan...they'll deny the intent of the words while defending their deployment; and that is all one needs know about their true aims and intentions....
