วันพฤหัสบดี, มีนาคม 01, 2550

The Goracle Derides our Truth-Handling !

We can't handle the truth! So the "Goracle" tells us how it is - through a paid spokeswoman, I mean...

Following criticism by a conservative group of Al Gore's large home energy consumption, a Gore spokeswoman defended the former vice president's lifestyle, saying he invests in enough renewable energy to make up for the home's power consumption.

Kreider said Gore purchases enough energy from renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and methane gas to balance 100 percent of his electricity costs.
Gore, who also owns a home in the Washington area, has said he leads a "carbon-neutral lifestyle." To balance out other carbon emissions, the Gores invest money in projects to reduce energy consumption, Kreider said.

And for all of us poor schmucks who can't afford to "purchase" or "invest" to "balance" from renewable energy sources in order to live a guiltless, blameless life while we jet across the globe? Well, for us there's always taxed-to-$4- gasoline, mandatory overpriced flourescent lights, and surcharged SUV's to look forward to..after all, we must bear our burden...
