วันอาทิตย์, มีนาคม 04, 2550

Poor Al Gore...

...a victim of his own genius:

The man who was prescient on climate change, the Internet, terrorism and Iraq admitted that maybe his problem had been that he was too far ahead of the curve. He realized at a conference that “there’re ideas that are mature, ideas that are maturing, ideas that are past their prime and a category called `predawn.’

"And all of a sudden it hit me,” he told John Heilemann of New York magazine last year. “Most of my political career was spent investing in predawn ideas! I thought, Oh, that’s where I went wrong."

Thank you for gracing us with your existence, Goracle, and we flagellate ourselves for not accepting your wisdom unquestionably...it's from a Maureen Dowd column, in which she wets herself thinking of the possibilities of a Gore presidency, both past and future, while snarking at the administration like a Kos newbie. Thank God that Times Select generally keeps this high-schoolish blather behind an overpriced firewall...
