วันอังคาร, มีนาคม 27, 2555

You Know Things Are Bad In California...

...when people flee that tax-burdened, regulation-heavy, proto-fascist state and instead relocate to....New York City?


It looks as if Hollywood is about to lose more business to New York.

Steiner Studios, the city’s largest sound-stages facility — where series like HBO’s “Boardwalk Empire” are now shot — has added 45,000 square feet to its space at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, bringing its total to 355,000 square feet, officials announced yesterday.

Katherine Oliver, who runs the city’s film office, said 13 TV pilots are now filming here.

Los Angeles film officials blamed an 11.5 percent drop in the TV dramas shooting in their city on $420 million in tax breaks offered by New York.

They don't do "tax breaks" in LA...only tax hikes. It's hip and trendy, of course, but so was cocaine, until it killed enough people.

Eventually, the Left Coast will be on their knees, begging for businesses to return. It's a position they are familiar with, of course. Bankruptcy, less so.  But soon enough...
