วันอังคาร, มีนาคม 06, 2555

A Primer: When You Can - And Cannot - Abuse A Private Citizen

Or, the strange case of Sandra Fluke vs. Joe The Plumber:

...the comparison is interesting in numerous ways. When average citizens are thrust into the political debate, they are heroes — if they confirm prevailing liberal arguments. When they run against the grain of the preferred narrative, they are ground down, caricatured, and treated to corrosive media skepticism...

And trust me - the gender of the offender plays no role in the treatment meted out.  Lord no.  Jim Treacher has a round-up of liberal commentary on women who dare leave the Democratic plantation - "commentary" that makes Rush Limbaugh seem like an alter boy...

It was the narrative, incidentally,  that Breitbart engaged in hand-to-hand combat with until the day he died.  He saw further than us and realized the slow poison we were ingesting (there's that sanction of the victim thing again...).  The quicker we can expunge it, the better able we are to move the battle onto our own turf...
