วันพฤหัสบดี, มีนาคม 01, 2555

Simpsons Writer Engages In Extreme Catholic-Bashing...

...which is beginning to supplant anti-Semitism as the most acceptable form of religious hate.  Well, until next week, when Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu comes to town...

But anyone who has witnessed the depths to which this once-great show has descended (see here, and here) won't be surprised to see exposed what is in their hearts. Besides the overwhelming desire to get that dream job writing for The Daily Show, of course...

Writer Larry Doyle pens The Jesus-Eating Cult of Rick Santorum - at the Huffington Post, naturally:

Santorum has made no secret of his plans to implement his leader's dicta on allowed uses of vaginas and anuses, but has said little about what additional dogma he will be compelled to obey...If Santorum is a good Catholic, and he appears to be among the very best, our real president will be Benedict XVI (a "former" Nazi, by the way).

Santorum has also remained silent on his religious organization's various reigns of terror...Even more chilling is a possible connection between the Roman Catholic Church pedophile program and NAMBLA, which I discovered after conducting some research on the internet...

Sigh...and he's from Jersey, to boot...

Doyle explains his attempt at humor:

My criticism took the form of a ridiculously over-the-top broadside against Roman Catholicism, a demonstration of the type of vicious religious ignorance and intolerance I too often see coming from too many so-called Christians, especially Santorum.

Of course, Mr. Doyle would never think hs column is an example of the very hatred he claims to despise. And naturally, Larry utters not a word of criticism of any other religions, say, ones that blow up innocent people in skyscrapers, pizzarias, and buses, while mutilating young women and raping young boys. Actually, Doyle does quite the opposite - he uses alleged criticism of Muslims (citing no examples, Christian hate is self-evident, I suppose) as his primary excuse for going jihad on American Catholics.  Sorry, pal, that's still not going to save your head from the blade once the Caliphate is reborn...

This is liberal "tolerance", by the way.  Also the reason I stopped watching The Simpsons a long time ago...
