วันจันทร์, มีนาคม 19, 2555

Ah, Spring...The Beginning Of Jew-Hunting Season!

Well, not really.  It's open season on them all year 'round.  But a touch of spring in France always seems to raise the hate along with the temperature:

TOULOUSE, France -- Three children and a teacher were shot dead Monday morning outside a Jewish school in Toulouse, southwestern France, in an attack which bore close similarities to two previous fatal shootings of French soldiers.
The dead included a man and his two children, a police source told France Info, and the principal's daughter, according to witnesses.

Witnesses said the gunman opened fire at a group of people waiting at a pickup point outside the Ozer Hatorah school
in the Croix-Daurade neighborhood of Toulouse at around 7:55 a.m. local time.

The gunman then fled on a scooter, witnesses said.

Police believe it may be the same gunman who killed two uniformed French soldiers in a drive-by shooting as they withdrew money from an ATM in the center of nearby Montauban last week, Le Figaro newspaper reported

Blasting away at two children, a schoolteacher, and a dad. And killing two soldiers while their backs are turned. That's what we call "Muslim courage". I'm sure the state-run French media will identify the perpetrator(s) as "North African immigrants" (should they ever be caught), but you can bet your last Grad rocket that his name is Muhammad al-something...

And speaking of Grads - it's always Jew-hunting season when you live within rocket-range of Palestinians! Via Legal Insurrection, this 1 minute video is the perfect summation of the horror the Israelis have to tolerate - or surrender to, if you would listen to Barack Obama - on a daily basis. Ashdod looks like any other clean, modern city in a tropical climate - except for the shells falling upon it out of a clear blue sky:

What we we do if these blasts were heard weekly in Miami Beach or San Diego? Would we "defend" ourselves in the same manner that we constantly demand of the Israelis - that is, to sit back and do nothing, lest we enrage our would-be murders further?

Or would we engage in a similar defense as...the Israelis? Or would we act with much greater vengeance, fury, and bloodshed?

So maybe, in honor of the opening of Jew-hunting season, we should just...STFU, if just for a moment?
