วันพุธ, มีนาคม 14, 2555

New Jersey Just Lovin' Their Chris Christie As Poll Numbers Skyrocket

Who would have thought a fat loud-mouthed Republican would become the darling of "Blue Jersey"?

Republican Governor Chris Christie, entering the second half of his first term, remains at record- high approval ratings among New Jersey voters as he presses lawmakers for a 10 percent income-tax cut, a survey shows.

The governor has the state “headed in the right direction,” say 51 percent in a survey released today, a 10- year high, according to Peter Woolley, the Fairleigh Dickinson PublicMind poll director. Christie’s job performance won approval from 54 percent of the registered voters questioned, up from 53 percent in January and matching a record in September

“He probably should hold up a champagne glass and make a toast -- these are really good numbers,” Woolley said by telephone. “It’s really amazing when you consider that these sustained approval ratings have been through dramatic budget times, cuts at all levels and in a state where Republicans hold a distinct minority.”

Note that he's running on a tax cut for everybody - including the "notorious 1%" - and voters in this so-called solidly Democratic state still have his back. Maybe President Class Warfare could take some notes? Nah. He's the smartest guy in the room. He's got nothing to learn from anybody, especially Chris Christie. Valerie Jarrett told him so...

Well, Obama will still most likely take Jersey in November.  Voters will seek to assuage their consciousnesses for voting Christie.  But one wonders if Christie has coat-tails, or is simply respected by state voters for the unique persona/politician he is.

We'll find out.  State Senator Joe Kyrillos is running against incumbent Democrat Senator Bob Menendez (D-La Raza) in November as well.  Kyrillos is an excellent representative (mine) and a solid, common-sense economic conservative.  Christie's already campaigning for him, raising $600K for Joe just the other day  (putting him close to $7M behind the paid-for, embarrassing, and  totally reprehensible Menendez).  Christie was outspent 3-1 by Corzine and still won, but Menendez is going to run a campaign based on division by color, by nationality, and by gender.

Let's hope our governor - the former undefeated federal prosecutor - can win his case before the people of New Jersey on this important battle as well.
