วันพุธ, มีนาคม 28, 2555

So Much For Our "Independent Judiciary"...

Via Bob Krumm, we see Ezra Klein reveal a truth about Obamacare, and Democratic-appointed justices,  that we knew all along.

“You can mark the point — page 14 — when the liberal justices decide Verrilli is screwing up and step in to make his argument for him.

Just nice to hear the Left - in exasperation or desperation, or even by accident - admit a truth about how they've corrupted the constitutional system of checks and balances, by appointing SC justices not based on the sharpness of their legal minds, but on their fealty to liberal causes.  Elana  Kagen ( a sheltered, New York know-it-all) help advise on Obamacare, for chrissakes, and Sonia Sotomayor?  The definition of a second-rate intellect, selected by dint of the tint of her skin...

Incidentally, regular readers may note I almost never reference Klein on this blog.  I just searched it for his name (7 years worth of posts, effective March 26th! Yay!), and found it twice, and only one directly quoted him.  I can't understand why so many conservatives spend time rebutting Klein's work - he's a kid, with little real-world experience, who carries with him the Utopian fantasies of a college sophomore.  He writes well, but with little reason or deductive logical behind his words.

Still, that's the kind of resume that got a certain liberal into the White House...
