วันจันทร์, มกราคม 09, 2555

Why So Many "Gay" Questions In The Republican Debate?

Plenty of well-deserved outrage over the past few days over the debate performances of George Stephanopoulos and Diane Sawyer.  Gay rights, abortion, contraception - why in the world would two alleged "reporters" waste the nation's time with such crap?

Yeah, I suppose the easy answer is that because these two asshats are liberals, these issues matter more to them than national defense, trillion dollar deficits, and chronic unemployment.  But there is more to it than that.  As media liberals, Stephanopoulos and Sawyer see themselves as the vanguard of the elite themselves - they believe they can control the national conversation, and steer it in such ways that it will prevent the barbarians (the Republicans) from storming the gate.

So all the social issue questions that the two "moderators" brought up are really less reflective of America's concerns - or even George's and Diane's - and more of an attempt to use these issue as a cudgel against conservatives, and as a way to create a divide between the American people and the Republican party.

The Left continues its battle for the soul of the nation, if for no other reason than to stamp it out.  Via Contentions:

Liberal secularism is a project in its own right that is bent on eliminating any recognized place for biblical faith as the guiding light of the culture. It will not rest content until faith withdraws from playing any public role, direct or indirect. The conflict of secularism and faith is at the heart of the so-called “culture war.

Mathew Staver, founder of the conservative law group, Liberty Counsel, talks about how the Left is suing "gay rights" as a tool to eliminate the role of a man's conscious in his everyday transactions:

"I believe the greatest threat to religious liberty is the clash between religious liberty and LGBT rights," he says.

Staver says as rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people make gains, religious conservatives are having to set aside their convictions. A Christian counselor was penalized for refusing to advise gay couples. A court clerk in New York was told to issue same-sex marriage licenses, despite religious reservations. A wedding photographer was sued for refusing to shoot a same-sex wedding. Staver says these people aren't trying to impose their religious views on others.

"What people of faith don't want to do, however, is be forced to participate in something that literally cuts to the very core of their belief."

But that's exactly what Barack Obama and the Democrats want. A nation where the government can force any person to do what they demand that they to do - regardless of their religious beliefs - under the guise of "the betterment of society as a whole". ObamaCare is an example on a grand scale, but the list grows longer by the day, designed to trip us all up if we don't follow the liberal line, as Staver's examples bear out.

And thus the need for George Stephanopoulos and Diane Sawyer to try to fortify the gates with the LGBT buttress. Either force the Republicans to acknowledge the overwhelming power of government, or try to discredit them by painting their opposition to gay rights as some sort of moral failing itself (the rights of the aforementioned victims of the LGBT crusade do not exist, of course).

Based on the post-debate furor, it seems as if the liberal vanguard was a little less subtle than they might have been with their frontal attack on American religion, and are getting some blowback. Seems like George & Diane forgot that the erosion of America's tradition of religious freedoms was supposed to be a gradual one, conducted on the down-low, not to be noticed or mentioned until they were already gone...
