วันพุธ, มกราคม 11, 2555

Chris Christie: What Might Have Been...

Jon Huntsman thought he could build a moderate-conservative coalition by...bashing conservaties.  Big fail there, Jon-boy. Wanna see how it is done?  Look East, at the Big Man of New Jersey:

...when New Jersey residents list their favorite things, it seems the governor belongs in the conversation.

According to a statewide poll released Monday by Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind, 53 percent of Garden State voters approve of the job Christie is doing, while 37 percent disapprove, a 16 percentage point spread. The poll was released on the eve of Christie’s annual State of the State address.

“That’s the way any office-holder wants to begin the new year,” said Peter Woolley, director of the poll. “But in this economic climate, many aren’t.”
The governor’s approval rating is virtually identical to where it was a year ago...

How does Chris Christie get such positive numbers in a blue state?  By being as conservative as he can be, given the circumstances.  He cannot go hard-right, but he can go right-center, and slowly turn the good ship New Jersey away from the shoals.

He could have been more than a contender.  He would have been The Champ.  Whereas Huntsman is no more than pretender, a chump.  He should think about what Chris Christie has done, and how he has done it, and give himself 20 lashes for wasting such an opportunity, by taking the advice of the mainstream media instead of following what political instincts he may or may not have had in the first place...

But can you imagine Christie on the trail right now?  The soaring excitement, the rhetorical disdain leveled not his fellow Republicans, but at the Naked Emperor occupying the White House?  The turnout in the primaries, with voting halls filled with citizens anxious to put their support on record? A movement led by a happy warrior, one who relishes the fight as much as the beer afterward, who can win it all cleanly, based on the merits and not the mud thrown?

We'll get none of that.  We'll probabaly get Mitt Romney.  But we can look off wistfully in the distance, and wonder at what might have been...
