วันพฤหัสบดี, มกราคม 19, 2555

Barack Obama Lays Some Pipe(line) To The American People

...but only in the crude, euphemistic sense. Sayeth the Urban Dictionary:

...laying pipe is simply f**king the hell out of a girl.

But in this case, Barack Obama simply continued his rape of the economy while simultaneously screwing the American worker.  That's a lot for one man in one day, so one can certainly say the president laid pipe to us, but good..

But this is no surprise.  He told us back in December he was gonna f*ck us good, and we would be the better for it.  Because his favorite position for the American people is on their knees:

"However many jobs might be generated by a Keystone pipeline," he said, "they're going to be a lot fewer than the jobs that are created by extending the payroll tax cut and extending unemployment insurance."

Barack Obama wants us bitches at home, living in squalor, awaiting what meager crumbs he tosses us, and repaying his generosity by...

Well, you know....

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Joe กล่าวว่า...

Just think: we could be JUST LIKE GERMANY:

"Solar power accounts for about 3 percent of Germany's energy mix but nearly half of the total 17.1 billion euros ($21.8 billion) paid for renewable energy by consumers."


Cheap energy = growth. Expensive energy = stagnation and impacts the poor most. Why do you think German and Japanese car makers keep opening plants here?

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Yeah, but to which Germany? 2012, or 1939? I mean, we already have the shredding of the law, the anti-semitism, the fealty to the state over the individual...