วันศุกร์, มกราคม 13, 2555

Michelle Marie Antoinette Obama Insults Us Again....

If you don't like Barack Obama's presidency, that you're not entitled to have an opinion on it.  So sayeth the Queen, when she graced us with her presence on CBS This Morning, as she spoke to suckup Gayle King:

King: Will it be harder for you this time, because there have been talk -- there are some people who say they're disappointed in Barack Obama's presidency, that it hasn't accomplished all that they thought that it would or all that he said it would?

Obama: Yeah, but they just don't know.

King: Would you--

Obama: They don't know. They don't know all that. So we're going -- this campaign is going to be about making sure that people understand all that's been accomplished. I think people are confused about -- some may be confused about how much has been accomplished. But that's what you do in a campaign.

Pssst.....someone tell Michelle that if you eliminated the people that "don't understand" from the electorate, the Democratic base would likely be cut in half...

Sarah Palin responds here...

And if you can't stand looking at Michelle's smug, condescending mug anymore, well....consider the alternative views:

Queen Booty Shaker, indeed....
