วันอังคาร, มกราคม 17, 2555

Where have We Seen That Newsweek Cover Before? Ahhh...

There was something naggingly familiar about this Newsweek cover:

And no, it's not the picture of Obama that we've seen so many times -  head tilted upward in sneering superiority, so he may better  look down upon us, his ungrateful subjects to whom he has given so much.  And it's not his surprising remarkableness to the recently departed Kim Jung Il, in his latter days.  It was the "dumb" comment.  When was the last time a major magazine insulted the intelligence of the majority of the American people like that?  I was sure I had seen its ilk before...

Thankfully, we have Tim Blair to remind us:

But did you know that the publisher of the Mirror was one Piers Morgan? Yeah, the very same. Although not at the time that the above piece was published; he had been sacked just months before for falling for a crude Photoshop hoax involving British soldiers, water torture, and a few other leftist hotspots..  But the tree still bears the same fruit:

The Mirror's front page on 4 November 2004, after the re-election of George W. Bush as U.S. President, read "How can 59,054,087 people be so DUMB?". It provided a list of states and their average IQ, showing the Bush states all below average intelligence (except for Virginia), and all Kerry states at or above average intelligence. The source for this table was The Economist, although it was a hoax.

And they call us stupid...
