วันพฤหัสบดี, มกราคม 12, 2555

ACLU Goes Hunting - For Conservative Heads...

Fascinating anecdote at Contentions on Obama's Guantanamo bay policy.  Faced with reality - that closing the prison site was an impossibility - he called in a bunch of law professors and "civil liberties activists" to break the bad news: That Gitmo wasn't going away anytime soon.

Gasps were uttered, clothing was rent, teeth were gnashed, and a wail went up unto the heavens. But one bit of commentary from the assembled liberal rout stands out in shocking clarity:

But the worst moment of the meeting took place at its conclusion, when ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero repeated his plea for Obama to prosecute Bush officials. Romero said: “Hunt one head and hunt it famously and bring it down to ensure we don’t make the same mistakes again.”

Obama, to his great credit, told Romero he was alone on that ledge and dismissed the meeting

Good for Obama. But the hatred and zeal of Romero - his virtual lust for blood - paints a clear portrait of who and what the American Civil Liberties Union really is.

One wonders if Romero will be demanding the head of an Obama administration official for the crimes committed by Eric Holder, or the Solyndra financing fiasco, or the sick crony capitalism of Lightsquared, in which a U.S. general was pressured to lie to Congress - and risk national security - in order to help a Dem-donor company.  After all, it might insure we don't make the same mistakes again...

Can you say...unlikely?  After all, it's always hunting season on Republicans, while Democrats, despite their high crimes and misdemeanors, always seem to be a protected species...

It's a team effort.  See here for how the police and the media covered up for Romano when he was recently arrested for drunk driving in East Hampton, after an all-night bender celebrating the passage of New York's gay marriage law...
