วันอังคาร, กันยายน 14, 2553

Christine O’Donnell Beats The Party...

...now, can she beat Democrat Chris Coons, a self-described Marxist, and take the open Senate seat in Delaware for the Republican party?

Time will tell; she's got a big hill to climb as Coons has much of the early support among the state's general electorate. But fear not; remember that just until recently she was scorned as foolish for trying to storm The Castle. Who's laughing now as she stands victorious? Certainly not the NRSC....

Jim Geraghty, no O'Donnell fan, concedes a few points quite gracefully:

1. As much as I may have had many bones to pick, this is a victory for Christine O’Donnell and her supporters to savor. The turnout is set to go well ahead of the expected 45,000, and she’s had no trouble finding the votes on a scale that large. Rep. Mike Castle and those who preferred him threw everything they had at her; she managed to persuade Delaware GOP primary voters that the key issue in the race was Castle’s record and not hers.

2. Delaware Republicans are a much more conservative group that past elections would lead us to think. In retrospect, how did Mike Castle never have a primary challenger in 9 terms?

3. She didn’t just beat Mike Castle’s campaign. She beat the state party....

One more big victory to go, Christine. Hang in there, baby, now the waters are really going to get rough....

(Also see A Certain Enthusiasm, for six different factors that acted serendipitously to propel O'Donnell to an upset victory...)

(And just what does Sarah Palin and Jim DeMint know that the rest of the Republican establishment does not? Fear them, for they are the great RHINO hunters....

And on another note, I'm expecting a late call of thanks from the O'Donnell camp; I remain convinced that it was one humble blogger's late endorsement...)
