วันพุธ, กันยายน 15, 2553

Can Christine O'Donnell Raise $1M...Today??

Her first goal was $50K. Then $200K, and then $350K...she's shooting for the moon now, trying to ring the bell on top, going for a cool million...

Looks like she's got about $780K as of this writing. May not hit $1M with only two-plus hours to play, but....

W can eliminate meme #1: That Christine O'Donnell wouldn't have enough money to compete with Democrat/Socialist Chris Coons.

Starting Thursday, expect the media/Democratic party to go full-bore on the "nuts and sluts" strategy, a weapon used by the famously "feminist party" against any female who dares to oppose their agenda. That might gain some traction, until either American women finally rebel in full force (the way they should have after the rape of Sarah Palin), or until Coons says or does something criminally stupid. It'll be a race to see which kills off the "nuts and sluts" attack-line first...

And then...what? An actual debate on the issues? The very thing the Democrats, Chris Coons, and the media are trying so desperately to avoid?

I'd expect a lot more subterfuge before that ever happens...
