วันศุกร์, กันยายน 24, 2553

Wall Street: Liberal Bullsh*t Never Sleeps

I wondered how Oliver Stone would dreck up the Wall Street sequel; after all, his leftwing paranoia and conspiratorial leanings are so well-known I am surprised he wasn't offered a spot in the Obama administration.

What gems of economic liberalism do we find flowing from Stone in the just-released Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps? Plenty, alas. New York Post reviewer
Kyle Smith (who gave the flick 2.5 stars, BTW), has more than a few examples:

I liked Gordon Gekko better before he turned into Paul Krugman...

...The one attempt to show how a hurricane on Wall Street washes away Main Street is embodied in Jake’s mother (Susan Sarandon). She’s a caricature of a garish Lawn Guyland lady who quit nursing to be a real-estate agent and is as addicted to cheap money (loans from her son) as the big shots. But Stone can’t avoid wagging a finger in the poor woman’s face, as if her desire to better herself is what’s wrong with her, and we’re meant to cheer when she returns to nursing. Easy for Stone to say the middle class should know its place: He was born rich. His dad worked on Wall Street.

...Gekko, in promoting his book, channels Stone’s contempt in a lengthy denunciation of Wall Street. Dramatizing an idea means more than just assigning a speech to a character ...

But then again, maybe Stone is waking up a bit to reality:

When he tells Gekko all about a green scheme that’ll change the world — something about turning seawater into fuel — Gekko has the funniest, most dead-on line of the movie: “That’s smart. That’s the next bubble.”

Bulls-eye, Stonie. A few more lines like that and you might start being a profitable director again...
