วันพุธ, กันยายน 22, 2553

Tea Party Madness: Carl Paladino Within 6 of Andrew Cuomo in NY

He's crazy. He's a loose cannon. He has absolutely zero chance to become the next governor of New York. The GOP establishment in New York (dysfunctional with a capital D) warned fellow Republicans to steer clear of associating with him. Stung by his 65%-35% Tea Party-fueled primary whipping of their hand-picked nice-guy loser Rick Lazio, the GOP poobahs in New York picked up their marbles and essentially went home for the 2010 election.

Too bad for them that the voters of New York didn't:

In stunning new poll this morning shows Democratic Attorney General Andrew Cuomo holding a mere six point lead over bomb throwing Buffalo businessman Carl Paladino in what until now has been Cuomo's runaway race for governor.

The startling Quinnipiac University survey of likely voters showed Cuomo ahead of Republican Paladino by 49-43 percent, a far cry from the 60-23 percent lead he held in a Quinnipiac poll of registered - but not necessarily likely - voters released Sept. 1.

Since the poll's margin of error is plus- or minus-3.6 percent, the findings - if accurate -- mean the race between the popular and well-known attorney general and the little-known but highly controversial, Tea Party-linked, Paladino could be a dead heat.

The crucial difference appeared to be among self-styled independent voters, who picked Paladino over Cuomo, 49-43 percent.

The establishment of both parties fails to realize that, in a year where "change" actually means something, a hallowed name means nothing. (see "Kennedy", in Massachusetts and Rhode Island - a name who's value has dropped faster than the dollar...)

Cuomo's claim at being a reformer were dashed when he openly attended crooked congressman Charlie Rangel's mega birthday bash in New York, and then, thinking better of it, belly-crawled out the back door through the New York City subway:

Exposed as just another cog in New York's political machine, Cuomo becomes vulnerable to Paladino (who, in defeating Rick Lazio, has already slain a cog in New York's political machine).

How much trouble is Cuomo in? Hard to say; New York may currently be bluer than California, at least until the bills come due. But if the Republican party wants to stay relevant in New York, they'd better show some support for Paladino, and fast. Same with the RGA.

No wonder the Obama team is sh*tting bricks and debating a smear campaign of the Tea Party. If they can bring down a Cuomo in New York, then...no one, anywhere, is safe from the wrath of the Gadsden flag...
