วันพุธ, กันยายน 22, 2553

"Don Obama" Now Leaning On The Church...

...no, not for spiritual guidance! Leaning on them as in I need a favor and if you don't want to find a horse's head under the pulpit instead of "stimulus funds" in the collection plate you'd better get a move on type of "leaning"....

POLITICO listened in to an Oval Office conference call Tuesday, where Obama and top administration officials, beseeched thousands of faith-based and community organizations to preach the gospel on new insurance reforms, chiefly the Patients’ Bill of Rights.

"Get out there and spread the word,” Obama told leaders from across the religious spectrum on the conference call, organized by the Health and Human Services Center for Faith-Based and Community Partnerships.

Obama instructed faith leaders to treat the new law as settled fact and use their perches of power to convey that message to congregants and friends.

“The debate in Washington is over, the Affordable Care Act is now law ... I think all of you can be really important validators and trusted resources for friends and neighbors...

I guess church is important to Barack Obama - when he believes they can do something important for him, anyway. As far as Obama carrying out their Word, well...that's what idiots like George W. Bush are for...

Funny how comfortable Obama seems to be giving out-and-out orders to religious leaders. Who does Don Obama think he is, the Pope of Stimulus Town?

Then again, even Stalin turned to the Russian Orthodox Church for political help, once the Nazis were practically at the doorstep...

2 ความคิดเห็น:

commoncents กล่าวว่า...

Great Post - I always enjoy visiting...

Common Cents

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Thanks Steve!