วันพฤหัสบดี, กรกฎาคม 29, 2553

Obama Bows To Christie, As He Should...

...having trouble uploading the video, in the meantime, check it out here and check out the deep bow at the 20 second mark.

Obama knows who his daddy is. It's conservative mastermind and Jersey's own Fat Bastard, Chris Christie. Note how obsequious Obama is to the governor; he knows the one thing that can bring him and his party down is fact-based, pointed straight-shooting from Christie, who's managing to turn Blue Jersey into a Red Rebel state....

And after all, Chris Christie has demonstrably already created or saved more jobs in New Jersey in seven months than Obama has nationwide in 18...

And thus the One fear him. That's why Obama bows so low. It's a sign of submission, and Christie will pick up on that, just as the Russians, the Saudis, and the Chinese have...
