วันศุกร์, กรกฎาคม 23, 2553

Obama Allows PLO Flag to Fly High In DC

What's next for Barack Obama? Perhaps using the Israeli flag as a doormat at the entrance to the White House? Followed up by sending "pro-Israel talking points" out to a sympathetic MSM lackey, no doubt...


The United States State Department has announced to the Palestinian Authority/Palestinian Liberation Organization Mission representative in the United States that its status will be upgraded from a 'bureau' to that of a "general delegation' and that this change will allow the office in which the representation is situated to fly the PLO, now also the Palestine Authority, flag at its entrance.

The upgrading, besides allowing the flag to be flown, also grants certain privileges to the delegation staff, such as diplomatic immunity...

Diplomatic sources in Jerusalem ...expressed disappointment that the White House did not make ceasing the PA's anti Israel incitement a condition for the status upgrade.

Because a Jew's right to exist is a negotiable position under the Obama Administration...

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Amusing Bunni กล่าวว่า...

It's getting worse by the second, TJN.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

There was a famous Holocaust survivor (forgot his name), who said something along the lines of,
"America is a great, safe, nation, and yet, if I were to hear loudspeakers in Times Square calling out all of the city's Jews to gather there for "relocation", it would yet not surprise me".

I thought that was paranoia based upon horrific life experiences, then.

Now, I am less sure....