วันศุกร์, กรกฎาคม 23, 2553

Just How Crazy Is Alvin Greene?

Poor Alvin, nominated by South Carolina Democrats as their nominee for the Senate. Derided as unemployed nut job, he brings to mind the character Mel Gibson played in Conspiracy Theory, Jerry Fletcher. Poor Jerry is a mentally unstable New York City taxi driver who lectures his passengers on various conspiracy theories. But, unfortunately for Jerry, he gets one of them right...

And so it seems, in an interview with the AP, that Alvin may know more than some people want him to know. In an attempt to mock Greene, the AP quotes him thusly on his military service:

At his home in Manning on Thursday, Greene told an AP reporter who reviewed the documents with him that the evaluations show he was discriminated against by military supervisors but he did not explain what that meant.

"I'm telling you who they promote: the terrorists and the communists," said Greene, wearing a blue U.S. Air Force T-shirt. "This is why we need to overhaul the military and get these people out."

Sounds crazy? Really? Hmmm...I seem to remember a certain Major that was promoted again and again before deciding to shoot up Ft. Hood, killing 13 American soldiers and wounding more than 30 others while screaming "Allah Akbar!", the terrorist's mantra. Ah, yes - Major Nidal Malik Hasan, promoted a multitude of times despite poor evaluations and concerns about his radical Islamic rants. Would seem to validate at least part of Greene's accusation....

And how about General Stanley McCrystal? Communist is a tough charge, but....ultra-ultra liberal to the point of banning beer on bases and creating rules of engagement so restrictive that it gave a distinct advantage to our enemy? And what kind of freedom-loving American bans FOX News from the television sets in and around his headquarters? And really - who besides a communist would ban Burger King from American bases as they might be construed as a sign of "American (capitalistic?) excess"? Seems like he really might approve of a different system of government than is espoused by our Constitution...

Is Alvin Greene crazy? Or is he speaking some uncomfortable truths about our military establishment under the iron grip of political correctness? And could Obama and the Democrats be sending out the media in order to discredit Greene, to make a mockery of him, so that people don't pay any attention to his "outrageous" claims and the evidence that seems to back him up?

Is Alvin Greene the victim of....a massive government conspiracy? Somebody call Mel Gibson...
