วันพุธ, กรกฎาคม 21, 2553

Obama & The Media: A Picture Worth 1,000 Words...

Snagged this one from Instapundit:

Glenn focuses on the, ahem, "diversity" of the crowd around Obama. Sheesh, take out the President, and it looks like it could be a Tea-Party gathering in the deep South! At least, that's what they tell me...
You know what bothers me, though? First, the fact they are yukking it up with the president, a man who they are supposed to be at least on somewhat adversarial terms with. Based on the sh*t-eating grins and guffaws going 'round the room, it seems to me as if they perceive each other as "part of the same team", so to speak...

The second thing is the looks on this crowd's faces. Smug, self-satisfied, convinced of their intellectual and cultural superiority, relishing their access to power and delighting in using it in the attempt to influence others, it certainly lends credence to Brietbart's (the original source for this photo) headline the other day: Yes, But the Reporters at Pravda Weren’t Such Insufferable Assholes...

Where I less mature and insightful, like JournoList member Spencer Ackerman, I would say that the collective self-centered sneer of this entire group makes me want to grab their collective heads and smash it through a plate-glass window. Take a snapshot of the bleeding mess and send it out in a Christmas card...

Instead, I just feel sorry for them. They sold their souls and destroyed their industry in an attempt to help the Left gain power; now it appears that their moment in the sun will be shockingly brief. When the smoke clears, these folks will have seen their lifelong delusions of superiority destroyed, their jobs endangered, and what little respect they had from the public instead converted to distrust, if not outright hostility. How will they wrap their swelled heads around that reality? With plenty of Prozac, I reckon...

Mark 8:36 : For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Ask the folks in the picture above, once time has wiped the smirks from their faces...

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This is sad. They truly have sold their souls. And for the record, I have been to plenty of tea parties in the South, and there are all kinds and all colors of attendees as well as speakers. Timothy Johnson, of the Frederick Douglass Foundation, is one of the most popular speakers in this area. The tea party members are certainly some of the nicest groups of people I have ever met. They are willing to pick up every piece of trash before they leave, talk to people who pass by, and they always support the police officers who are monitoring the rallies. These members of the media, who are lying and covering up the truth, should only wish to have as much class and integrity as the tea party members.