วันอังคาร, กรกฎาคม 20, 2553

Video: Chris Christie & The Jersey "Miracle"

OK, so despite this 1:50 video, perhaps "miracle" is a strong term so early in his tenure. But that fact that he has managed to hold the line on taxes and spending, gain some concessions from the unions (and turn the public against those who defy him), and balance a budget that had a $11 billion dollar hole, well....in a state that was considered a fiscal basket case in a liberal headlock as recently as seven months ago, this does qualify as a miracle. If he can sustain it.

As Allahpundit notes, this video is not designed for the hardcore Christie fans - it leaves out some of his greatest, snarkiest "hits" (here, here, and here) , and showcases some issues (anti-offshore drilling) and people (Newark Mayor Cory Booker) that are certainly on the left side of the spectrum. But Jersey still has a strong Blue current, and if you want to keep the middle, you need to reach across the aisle, and it is something Christie has shown he can do (unlike a certain president). And Booker may just be the sanest Democrat on the planet (certainly in New Jersey); click the link to see a piece I wrote earlier this year...

Anyway - how do you turn a liberal welfare state into a place where people actually want to live, work, and do business? This video (infomercial?) from Chris Christie shows you how!
