วันจันทร์, เมษายน 26, 2553

What to Wear for "BoobQuake"!

Ah, today's the day, as discussed here, for American woman to show their disgust with Iranian cleric Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi claim last week that “immodest” women cause earthquakes. Purdue senior Jennifer McCreight is spearheading the effort, and what started as a snarky blog post has become a nationwide phenomenon....

Even the New York Post has picked up on the theme - in an article entitled Sheik it! , they enlist "plus-sized stunner Lizzie Miller" to model a few suggestions for the ladies today (are they cashing in on two controversies at once?). A few:

And Jen McCreight is a woman of her word, and rearin' to go today:

Enough to make the ground shake for me.... but if you want to go patriotic, here's an option as well:

"I'm blind!", shrieked the Imam, while still peering between his fingers....

3 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

More like "Girl seeks attention on internet"

Kymberlee กล่าวว่า...

@ anonymous: I suppose the same thing could be said of the cleric with whom she disagrees. Social experiments and social change start with people attention to a particular subject.

I see a woman--not a girl--who is raising awareness to the ridiculous fundamentalist views of an insane man who got attention for opening his mouth and spewing garbage. I'm glad she is.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

I'm w/Kymberlee - there are a lot easier ways to seek attention than this!
My perception still is that this whole "boobquake" thing simply snowballed from one tounge-in-cheek blog post.

Which speaks to the power of "social media", I suppose.

Or speaks to the desire of the American female to fight back against the Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi's of the world, who - should they ever achieve their goal of global domination - make no bones about the fact that in their world, women would be no more than chattel.

Incidentally - is there anything that pisses these Imams off more than being mocked by tens of thousands of women? Man, that's gotta hurt...