วันอังคาร, เมษายน 20, 2553

Bill Clinton: Still Paying For A Blowjob He Got In '97

...but more on that in a moment....

The former president has been mocked far and wide for his recent statements conflating the Tea Party protestors and domestic terrorist Timothy McVeigh:

.... we should remember that there is a big difference between criticizing a policy or a politician and demonizing the government that guarantees our freedoms and the public servants who enforce our laws.
We are again dealing with difficulties in a contentious, partisan time. We are more connected than ever before, more able to spread our ideas and beliefs, our anger and fears. As we exercise the right to advocate our views, and as we animate our supporters, we must all assume responsibility for our words and actions before they enter a vast echo chamber and reach those both serious and delirious, connected and unhinged.

Civic virtue can include harsh criticism, protest, even civil disobedience. But not violence or its advocacy....Fifteen years ago, the line was crossed in Oklahoma City. In the current climate, with so many threats against the president, members of Congress and other public servants, we owe it to the victims of Oklahoma City, and those who survived and responded so bravely, not to cross it again.

And who decides what is civil disobedience and what is violence? Or the difference between a government that guarantees our freedoms and one who is bent on limiting them? Bill Clinton, I suppose...

But what I find interesting is why the ex-Prez would even feel compelled to make a statement like this, essentially throwing out a warning that the tea partiers are - as ignorant children, controlled by Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Sarah Palin - a ticking time bomb, about to destroy a federal office building near you.

Does he believe it? Maybe, but if there is one thing I believe about Bill Clinton, is that he always knew which way the wind was blowing, and never hesitated to blow with it. He was the master, if I recall... Welfare reform? Check. That newfangled thing called the Internet? Hands off. Folks getting tired of terrorism? Lob some bombs overseas. All while stealthily raising spending and empowering the government further and further....

So why the turn against the tide now, when the wave is obvious to all save the deepest Kool-Aid drinkers?

I can only think of one reason: His wife, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. To support Obama is to support her; to demonize his detractors is to defend her from them. And so our brave knight marches forward, slamming ordinary bread & butter Americans, even as he knows it is political suicide (the only moral calculus Bill has ever worked upon, incidentally), all to protect the one he loves....

But is this really the chivalrous Bill Clinton? Or is it a Bill Clinton who still is in hock to his wife, who stood by his side while he cheated by hers, and who may have, by not divorcing him in 1997, saved his political and post-political career?

Think of Bill Clinton's legacy if Hillary had left him after the Lewinsky scandal broke. Caught cheating, dumped by his wife, impeached. He would still have survived, but without the cuddly-bear image he still maintains by virtue of a wife who doggedly refused to leave him.

Bill cannot forsake Hillary now; at this point a politically betraying her would be no different than a (second)physical betrayal. So he toils away as Obama's bitch-boy, slamming the tea party crowd, damning the Jews, and supporting legislation that the nation loathes. And bit by bit, his won post-presidential reputation gets further and further tarnished.

Bill, I hope the blowjobs from Monica were the best you ever got. Because you are still paying for them, and their price has exploded like an adjustable-rate mortgage come due....

Justice, finally served to Bill for executive misdeeds, and revenge served late has a lot of accrued interest to bear...
