วันพฤหัสบดี, เมษายน 29, 2553

Separated At Birth: Patrick Kennedy and Rainier Wolfcastle ?

Well, it's Rainier "Luftwaffe" Wolfcastle, to be precise...here's the star of the fictional action series "McBain" on the Springfield Shopper's equivalent of Page Six (lower right):

...and here's the alleged Congressman Patrick Kennedy, making the paper for the same exact reason:

Barkeep cuts off boozy Camelot kid

After a candid speech discussing his substance-abuse problems, Rep. Patrick Kennedy sauntered into a DC watering hole and ordered up so many vodka shots that the bartender refused to serve him any more, it was reported yesterday.

Kennedy, the troubled son of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, downed at least six shots of straight-up vodka before the bartender cut him off, a source told the Roll Call's Heard on the Hill blog.

He strolled into the Capitol Lounge just hours after being recognized for helping people with mental-health issues.

When a patron offered to buy him a drink, Kennedy eagerly ordered up a vodka shot, according to Roll Call.

The Rhode Island Democrat -- who is not running for re-election -- was in high spirits, calling President Obama "the best president ever," the source told Roll Call.

Wow, he must've been mad high...
