วันศุกร์, เมษายน 02, 2553

Barack Obama, Chris Dodd Gang-Rape the American Dream

...because they have a different dream, one in which we are all slaves to them....

From the fairly well-read post in the Weekly Standard, Obama’s Campaign Against Success:

Success in America is an endangered species. Business bonuses are under heightened scrutiny; soon, making the right picks in the stock market or earning more than $200,000 per year will mean higher taxes; even the occasional business trips that “happened in Vegas” to reward top sales producers doesn’t “stay in Vegas” anymore. They stay at home. “Junkets” like that fell victim to finger-wagging rebukes from the president himself. Why blow your money gambling if it can fund another government program?

For 250 years, America has been known throughout the world as the place where anyone could work hard, scrape together a little money and invest in a great idea,” Trends Magazine writers observe. “But a creeping kind of governmental interference has seriously threatened this ideal,” they argue...

The Obama administration is testing the Trends theory with a real life experiment. It’s called the president’s agenda. We won’t know the full implications for years

Actually, I think we'll see the results a lot quicker than that, especially if Christopher Dodd, as a going away present to his fellow pigs at the trough, gets in this final kick to the nuts of the small-business engine that powers the American economy:

Dodd’s bill would require startups raising funding to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and then wait 120 days for the SEC to review their filing. A second provision raises the wealth requirements for an “accredited investor” who can invest in startups — if the bill passes, investors would need assets of more than $2.3 million (up from $1 million) or income of more than $450,000 (up from $250,000). The third restriction removes the federal pre-emption allowing angel and venture financing in the United States to follow federal regulations, rather than face different rules between states.

Why do we have to put restrictions on who invests in startups? Why the f*ck is the government even getting involved here? If a man sees a great idea, and is worth only $100K, why in the world should we stop him from putting his life savings into it? Are we so afraid one man might fail that we would deny all other small investors the riches that come with strategic thinking and smart choices, while denying the world the chance to enjoy new innovations that could save time/money/lives? What the hell is going on ?

If you were looking to destroy and dismantle the United States of America, and rob it of all the things that make it special (top-notch medical care), great (top-notch entrepreneurship) and strong(top-notch military), you would do exactly what Barack Obama, Chris Dodd, and the Democratic party is doing right now...
