วันเสาร์, เมษายน 17, 2553

The New York Tea Party, And The Central Question of ObamaCare...

Put very well by Fred Schwarz, as he talks about what he saw at NYC's Tea Party event last week:

...there were about 1,000 people there (the final crowd was closer to 2,000), crowded into two lanes of Eighth Avenue, with taxis whizzing by a few feet away...The 99-cent pizza store at 30th Street was doing a great business among the thrifty tea partiers. (But would you make everyone eat 99-cent pizza, and charge them $4.50 for it? That’s the central question of Obamacare.)

And send the IRS after them if they refused to comply? Even if the pizza sucked? Well, once the government forces every other pizza joint to close so they have their monopoly, you'll either have to wait on the long line at "Federal Joe's Egalitarian Pizza", or just go hungry. Or maybe go to that secret underground, unlicensed pizzeria you heard about in somebody's basement where they take cash and don't ask any questions...

I'll close with this teaser:

...Lou Dobbs came on and gave a rousing finale, which will probably end up being his stump speech when he runs for senator.

I'm sure he'll take on Gillibrand, who's the lower-hanging fruit, but man-0h-man would I like to see him bring down Schmuckie Schumer, the Senator who represents New York by selling it down the river to increase his own personal power and positioning...
