วันพฤหัสบดี, เมษายน 22, 2553

The Eyjafjallajökull Conspiracy

Europe loves a good conspiracy theory, but they usually begin and end by blaming the Jews. It's kind of tough to get on them about the Eyjafjallajökull volcano (but, hey - it's still early!), so Europeans are casting about for other villains. Mr. Benjamin Barton, a would-be MP for Nottingham, catalogs a few for us, with his thoughts about their validity:

Climate Change - It is being put about that it is a scam being dreamt up by Iceland (the country, not the supermarket) to stop Europeans travelling by plane as other means will surfice on our relatively small continent.

Iceland is exaggerating the impact to damage European Economies in a Schadenfreude situation - This I could believe. The theory is that it’s actually a simple and regular occurence that Iceland has geological activity but it is simply making this look worse than it is in revenge for the damage that was done during the economic downturn. The reason I give this gravity is that they have nothing left.

European Governments will use it as an excuse to give Iceland aid - This I understand but don’t believe.

Dude, I neither understand you or believe you...

Gawker has more:

Some people believe UFOs are behind the eruption. This makes the most sense, because everyone knows UFOs are real, and their alien technology makes them impenetrable to fire....

Then, of course, there is the Mayan calendar thing. Sure, that's not until 2012, but isn't it possible that it will take the world a couple years to end properly?....

Armageddon Online throws some more fear into the fire:

Scientists fear tremors at the Eyjafjallajokull (ay-yah-FYAH-lah-yer-kuhl) volcano could trigger an even more dangerous eruption at the nearby Katla volcano - creating a worst-case scenario for the airline industry and travelers around the globe. How big would a Katla eruption be?
A Katla eruption would be 10 times stronger and shoot higher and larger plumes of ash into the air than its smaller neighbor....

Me? I've got my own Eyjafjallajökull conspiracy theory. Barack Obama had the United States military use top-secret technology to force the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull, so that he could skip the funeral of Polish President Lech Kaczynski (a rather boring affair, with little opportunity to draw attention to himself) and get in a quick 18 rounds of golf instead...
