วันพุธ, เมษายน 14, 2553

Tea Party Democrat Challenges Frank Pallone (D-NJ)

The loathesome Frank Pallone (D, NJ-6) is getting a Democratic primary challenger...from the right. From a self-described Tea Partier, no less! Oh, Lordy!

Tea Party activist and Middletown resident Mark Falzon, 56, filed petitions with approximately 240 signatures today to secure a ballot position in the Democratic primary against incumbent Congressman Frank Pallone.

Falzon, who is currently unemployed, is an IT professional. He most recently worked for AT&T for seven years as a network implementation specialists. He has been married for 31 years, has five children and 2 grandchildren.

He said that he is challenging Pallone because, "the Democratic Party has been taken over by radical leftists. Would John Kennedy fit in to today's Democratic Party? No way! I'm so upset my head is about to explode."

He is running under the slogan, "Democrat Tea Party Approved." "The Tea Party movement is not just about Republicans anymore," declared Falzone.

Well, it never really was. it was primarily disaffected Republicans and independents duped by The One. But if Democratic partisans join the movement..what will the media do next? Kill its own spiritual children to save itself? Or frantically re-work the narrative?

In Falzon’s words, “we are a true grassroots movement impacting both parties, tens of millions of us rising to save this beloved nation.”

He's right. But we already knew that. I doubt he'll defeat the heavily-funded Pallone (and should he, a vote for Falzon would still become a vote for Nancy Pelosi, so I'd have to go with Republican challenger Diane Gooch).

But the Democratic coalition that was supposed to give them a generation of power is crumbling before their eyes, and appears beyond resurrection. And if Democratic regulars pick up the Tea Party rhetoric, their entire liberal program will not last past November 2010.

Conversion and salvation before resurrection, I suppose...

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Thats Right กล่าวว่า...

"a vote for Falzon would still become a vote for Nancy Pelosi"

How on God's green earth do you figure that? That makes not even the slightest bit of sense. Please to explain, Sir.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Sure. If he wins the nomination, running as a Democrat, and he gets party support, how can he not vote for Nancy Pelosi to again be the Speaker of the House? The pressure put on him by her subordinates would be enormous...

Of course, if the Dems lose the House, it won't matter... but remember, even most so-called "Conservative/Blue Dog Democrats" voted for Pelosi to be speaker.

It's a good question to ask Falzon, though - "if elected, would you vote to elect Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House?"