วันพฤหัสบดี, มีนาคม 11, 2553

Racist Pot, Calling The "Tea" Kettle Racist

When your whole career has been built upon the spelling of your last name and the ethnic identity it presupposes, it is no surprise that every action is seen through the prism of race. Thus it is no surprise that supporters of New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez (D-La Raza) are playing the race card against the New Jersey Tea Party:

New Jersey Democrats are coming out with guns blazing against a tea party-led effort to recall Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez, with the state party chairman going so far as to brand the campaign racist.
Last week, newly minted Democratic Chairman John Wisniewski blasted the recall campaign as extremist, saying that it was no accident that it was targeting Menendez, the only Hispanic in the Senate.

"These are radical people who chose Menendez off of a list of Democrats because of the sound of his last name.”...

Radical? Who's radical, and who's a racist? Let's look at Menendez's record:

...Sen. Menendez just held a recent book signing at...the National Council of La Raza...

Menendez forced a $473K earmark into the "stimulus" bill to support anti-American Hispanic hate group La Raza ("The Race") while simultaneously voting to raise our taxes?

Sen. Menendez (D-N.J.) has put a "hold" on legislation to reauthorize the E-Verify workplace verification program....When it comes to favoring foreign workers (and the greedy employers who use them to depress wages) over struggling American workers, Sen. Menendez has no shame....

And here's a story on how Menendez voted in support of the ugly "General Betray-us" ad published by MoveOn...

Senator Menendez (D-Illegal Immigrants) is sh*tting bricks right now. His approval among his Hispanic "base" is only around 30%, the state is turning more purple by the day, and the most overtaxed state in the Union is mounting a recall movement to turn his sorry ass out. What to do? Scream "racism!", and hope it reverberates.

And this might have worked, 2-4 years ago. But the reason New Jersey has revolted against the Democrats is that they have lived under socialism for the last four years, and they have seen the destruction it has wrought, for the state and for each of its residents personally. They know that Menendez (D-Liberal Idiots) is representative of what they have now forsaken, and they want him out now, before he does any more damage to the state and to the nation.

The cry of racism is seen as a desperation ploy, and it has been suitably ignored. Menendez is now further weakened, and represents another opportunity for a Republican pick-up in a state where residents are proving they are faster learners than their West Coast counterparts...

Hat Tip: Rheil World View
