วันเสาร์, มีนาคม 20, 2553

We Are All Lando Calrissian Now !

We were seduced into cutting a deal with the devil, convinced he was a man of his word, and that Hope and Change meant whatever we imagined it to be.

And once the deal was struck, and we held up our end of the bargain, we realized that the man we empowered really wasn't that interested in holding up his end of the deal, and he had a completely different idea of what "hope and change" was.

And when we complain about the deal, Lord Vader - sorry, I mean, Barack Obama - gives us the back of his hand, a sneer, and tells us the deal is whatever he says it is, depending on what serves his interests at any given moment.

Man, this deal is getting worse all the time....

And what's in that health care bill? You don't need to know, it's whatever I say it is, and whatever will get me what I want, regardless of what you, the people, want.

What's that ? You don't like the deal? Pray I don't alter in any further....

Inspired by The Geek With A .45 ...

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Conservative Libertine กล่าวว่า...


"you have to vote for the bill to find out what is in the bill"
- Nanct Pelosi