วันจันทร์, มีนาคม 08, 2553

Obama Feels The Wheels Of The Bus...

...going "round and round" right over his sorry socialist ass....

The man who promised to bridge partisan divides cannot even countenance center/left dissension in his own party. So it appears as if he is helping to orchestrate the primary opposition to Arkansas Democrat Blanche Lincoln, hoping to force out the blue dog for another liberal poodle who will vote the party line on the "progressive agenda".

Doesn't seem like Blanche is going to take it lying down; she's
going rogue on Obama and her own party:

Nice ad, albeit somewhat misleading, as her vote against a "public option" was not the same as a vote against ObamaCare. Still, one would love to ask Obama how it feels to be under the spinning wheels of the very same bus he has thrown so many former allies under when they have outlives their usefulness to him. As a certain reverend might have said, the chickens are coming home to roost...

And Blanche is only the first of many Democrats who are going to realize that if they are to have a shot at re-election, they're going to have to get behind the wheel of the bus and put the pedal to the metal...

Interesting to see how hard Obama and the Democrats are going after Blanche. Disloyalty to party is always a capital offense to the Left, of course, but Obama has been especially vicious to the so-called "weaker sex" for some time:

Hillary Clinton has been humiliated and marginalized, mammograms and pap smears are soon to be eliminated, tampons are about to be taxed, and the whole Obama operation is known as "the boy's club". The marginalization of women by these misogynists continues....all, of course, with the media's blessing (and participation).

Better go easy on Blanche, Baracky...we're watching.
