วันเสาร์, มีนาคม 20, 2553

Glenn Nye Says "No" To Health Care Reform

A first-term Democrat in Virginia, a state that briefly went purple but is now red with rage? Really, what else could he do?

U.S. Rep. Glenn Nye announced Saturday night he is voting against against the Democratic health care bill Sunday, saying it doesn’t do enough to lower the cost of health care, would make deep cuts in some hospital funding and could cause problems for TRICARE recipients....

...participants in the military’s Tricare health plan may be subject to some health care provisions, under the latest version of the bill. Under previous versions, Tricare patients were exempt.

“ I am not willing to risk negative consequences for our military personnel and their families, particularly at a time when our troops are serving overseas in harm’s way,” Nye said.

Seems as if Democratic representatives are finally reading the bill, less so to actually understand what they are voting for, and more so as a frantic attempt to find something, anything, that can give them cover for not voting for ObamaCare. Nye found the military angle, a factor in his district, and thus an exit from the burning wreckage that is this bill...

Not exactly a profile in courage. Still, when in a foxhole during a firefight, I'll take such allies as I can get...
